速報APP / 教育 / NoResponseScreen(Child Lock)

NoResponseScreen(Child Lock)





版本需求:Android 3.2 以上版本




NoResponseScreen(Child Lock)(圖1)-速報App

I do not want to touch the screen ! You want to just show !

It is an application that there is no reaction to the touch screen

※ that there is a possibility that the invalidation does not work in Android2.3 were found

And I am thankful when the report at that time also please try it because it seems to be avoided by the OS update

- Function -

- Disable the touch of the screen during startup

- Lock status bar , navigation bar

- The start-up at different times

- Call from the status bar

- Release by command

- Customization features of Release method

Such as when to show videos on terminal to children , please use if you do not want to be a screen operation

※ You can not control the operation associated with the system such as a key power key , return

Please press several times on the icon that appears at the bottom of the screen if you want to end

Displays temporarily ads to fit the application launch

NoResponseScreen(Child Lock)(圖2)-速報App

It becomes the specifications disappear ads after a while

- Information about the permissions -



I use to display ads

※ code , such as upload to withdraw your personal information is not built at all


They can be used to call the set terminal startup


This used to unresponsive screen which is the main function

- Tested -

· Galaxy S2

· Nexus 7

- Caution -

If an error occurs, it is very helpful when you can notice the situation to address · twitter account for the contact. Please feel free to contact us .

NoResponseScreen(Child Lock)(圖3)-速報App


In addition , for damages resulting from the use of this app , it does not take any responsibility . On your understanding , please use .

NoResponseScreen(Child Lock)(圖4)-速報App